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Meet the Artists

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Dowey Laugh has been fortunate to team up with the below artists to add some flair to your bottle tags.


Megan Krzmarzick

“Megan, (Portland, OR) was an amazing individual who radiated light and hope. She loved life more than anyone I’ve known and was an integral part of my business. Megan was a two time cancer survivor and was so driven that she would even host meetings with me in her hospital room. In fact, the limited run of tags that she did were painted during her “artists residency” which is what she turned her hospital room into. Megan has been featured on several news channels and podcasts.

Megan moved on to another realm September 28th, 2020. It has been a huge personal loss, not just for me but for all of Portland. Stay tuned for fundraising details for AML research.” - Erin Sullivan, DL

“Bold and dramatic use of color and texture gives form to feeling, capturing deep and resonate emotion and energy. Exploring balance and symmetry against smears and splatters of abstract layers and color, because life is both control and unpredictability, and in order to create we have to find a way to let go.” - Megan Krzmarzick

To learn more about Megan, check out her instagram or go to

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Michelle Golden

Michelle Golden is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist born and raised in NYC. The pace and the people stimulate her spontaneous process and drive the theme of excess and chaos in her work. Presented are appearances of cityscapes that intertwine with the wild and abstract that will hopefully allow the viewer to briefly live in the vibrant world she sees.

Since 2010, Michelle has been involved in exhibitions throughout NYC showcasing her mixed media pieces, photography, and video. You can follow her process here